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"Former pilot says he knows where doomed MH370 wreckage is located - To be precise — latitude 39'10 S,88'18E ..."

READ MORE AT  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/mh370-precise-coordinates-given-pilot-21530011


from Wiki: "MALAYSIA Airlines FLIGHT 370 (MH370/MAS370) was an international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines that DISAPPEARED on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its planned destination, BEIJING Capital International Airport.


The crew ..last communicated with air traffic control around 38 minutes after takeoff when the flight was over the South CHINA SEA. The aircraft was lost from radar screens minutes later, but was TRACKED by military radar for another hour, DEVIATING WESTWARD from its planned flight path, ...


With ALL 227 passengers and 12 crew aboard PRESUMED dead, the disappearance of Flight 370 was the deadliest incident involving a Boeing 777..." end Wiki


There's been MUCH SPECULATION about what happened but so far NO CONFIRMED EVIDENCE about where it crashed nor where it remains. Only a few small airplane parts have been positively identified as being from Flight 370 .


..............................to this day SO MUCH REMAINS AN UNSOLVED MYSTERY. condolences to the families & victims

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fwd: search:,mh370,freescale,mcconnell ;*

3/22/14 WAS FLIGHT 370  HIJACKED for its INTELLIGENCE? ,search:,mh370,freescale,mcconnell ;*read more at
"...“Keep in mind there were billions and
billions of dollars worth of intellectual
technology property of an open patent on
that plane in the form of Freescale and
others on the plane, so it could be...corporations or nations willing to hijack for that plane for that intelligence,” he said...Four days after the
missing flight MH370, a highly
valuable  patent was approved by the
Patent Office...
“Until that patent is granted, their patent
income would go to their survivors – but
the ownership would go back to Freescale
in Austin TX,” McConnell said, adding,
“I’m not suggesting that Freescale is behind
this.”...The plane could have been taken to any one of 108 places in the world, according to McConnell..."
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